about the research

The Randstad Enterprise Intelligence team utilized a number of data sources across 24 different markets to compile the list of in-demand skill clusters for this year’s Global In-demand Skills research. This involved sourcing millions of job postings and worker profiles to obtain important data on supply and demand, remote working trends, gender diversity, compensation and other factors. We examined key skills that drive the majority of global enterprise job demand, leading to the creation of our top 9 white-collar skill clusters and top 4 blue-collar job categories.

Data sources vary based on those that are most representative for each market and include verified information (such as census data) and granular data (such as skill level, job advertisement databases, professional networking sites, social media, vertical networks and more). The research and analysis were conducted in the third and fourth quarters of 2024. Additional desk research involved various news and informational sources to provide context and insights relevant to each skill cluster. 

how we define skills.

Each of the top skill clusters are major skill categories that represent a combination of collective hard skills and competencies that are in high demand for each. The composition of skills relevant for each cluster is based on the human potential model.

data representing 24 markets.

the Americas

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, U.S.


Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore


Belgium, Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K.

explore 6 different dimensions.

On each white-collar in-demand skill cluster page, you will find data on six different dimensions. Click to learn more about what each dimension represents.

access the latest in-demand skills research.

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