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how COVID-19 has created new ways of working | talent continuity learning series

Learn how organizations are navigating a phased shift from remote work while supporting the health, safety and flexibility needs of their people: A disciplined and safe return to work will be key to economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic. What steps can you take to get there? Watch this 60-minute educational session, “How COVID-19 has created new ways of working,” for practical safety tips and to understand how you can create an action plan that helps get your people safely back to the work site. you’ll learn: - what good COVID-19 health and safety precautions looks like at work, based on protocols that have already been implemented across various countries and 5 sectors - how your peers are adapting their business models to prepare for future workforce needs - how to assess and minimize your company’s risk - best practices and key talent trends you need to follow to adapt your workforce strategy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic #talentcontinuity #businesscontinuity #tips #COVID19 #businessdisruption #newwaysofworking #socialdistancing #futureofwork #safereturntowork #economicrecovery