engage the growing APAC contingent workforce | talent trailblazer tv.
Watch this episode of Talent Trailblazer TV to learn what innovative talent strategies companies in APAC are using to build their flexible talent pipelines for the future. Then request your copy of the MSP Playbook for more insights on managing your contingent workforce: https://insights.randstadsourceright.com/randstad-sourceright-insights/a-practical-guide-to-managed-services-programs-msp. What are the risks of not looking at contingent talent as part of your talent acquisition strategy right now? What should companies consider when building a contingent workforce in the Asia-Pacific region? With growing talent scarcity, companies in APAC are increasingly turning to contingent talent to gain a competitive advantage. According to Randstad Sourceright’s 2019 Talent Trends research, 51% of talent leaders in APAC say that they expect 21-30% of their workforces will be contingent this year. And 1 in 5 say that 41% or more of their workforces will be contingent. Effectively managing a contingent workforce, however, is no easy task. Watch our latest episode of Talent Trailblazer TV with Farid Jahanian, enterprise client services director for MSP, to understand the barriers to engaging contingent talent in APAC. Jahanian explores what companies can do to navigate those challenges to get the skills they need, and how Randstad Sourceright helps clients build their contingent talent pipeline using innovative strategies, such as talent communities and employer branding. #staffing #APAC #MSP #VMS #compliance #contingent #talentmanagement #talentcommunities #employerbranding #workforceplanning