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how Air Canada is recharging its talent strategy | Randstad Sourceright

The past two years have made human capital leaders feel like they’ve been constantly fighting fires, forced them to not only sharpen but widen their skills quickly, and challenged them to scale, skill, and retain a workforce in the most volatile and talent scarce environments.

Randstad Sourceright’s 2022 Talent Trends research, which surveyed more than 900 human capital leaders in 18 markets around the globe, says the same. This year, just 45% agree that talent acquisition is about value creation, rather than cost savings – a 5-year low and a 22-point drop from last year. At the same time, more than one-third (36%) are already seeing increased costs and a negative impact on their bottom line due to talent scarcity.

Facing today’s norm of unpredictability, how can you respond to these challenges while creating the structure you need to prepare your organization for long-term stability and put people at the center of your business growth?

Watch this 60-minute Q&A featuring Nathalie Lemyre, director of talent acquisition for Air Canada, Randstad Sourceright global CEO Mike Smith and Louisa Wilson, Randstad managing director of Enterprise Solutions, to learn:

  • the top 10 HR trends impacting talent acquisition and retention today
  • how your peers around the globe are facing structural talent shortages with market intelligence; internal mobility; skilling; flexible working; diversity, equity and inclusion; and more
  • how to put people at the center of business growth and get back to long-term value creation, even in a volatile market
Get the 2022 Talent Trends Report

for additional data, case studies, and tips.